How to navigate Murphy’s Law during wedding planning

How to navigate Murphy’s Law during wedding planning

Happy New Year everyone! What a year last year was. If anything taught us about Murphy’s Law, it was this pandemic. Yes, I am looking at you 2020 brides.

Weddings postponed. Vendors going out of business. Couples unsure what to do. It has been a wild ride and this modern day fairy godmother would have nothing to write about if it wasn’t. Here are my tried and true tricks for navigating and mitigating Murphy’s Law:

1. Plan in advance. A lot of vendors, family members and friends thought we were very odd in searching and booking services in advance. However, it saved us during COVID. Every deadline those wedding planning binders suggested, we doubled and in turn, only a few things were affected by lockdown.

2. Communicate often, especially in writing. What do you mean I need to pay for a minimum of 100 people? It is important to check in with your vendors every so often and truly understand the services you purchased. These are not surprises you want on your wedding day. I was a bridesmaid at a wedding where the venue was calling the bride on the day of the wedding to request more money (yuck!). Many businesses are struggling right now and just like you are trying to save money, so are they. Get on the same page, maintain good rapport and confirm in an email.

3. Get organized. Geez that was due today? I don’t get paid until next week! Set up those electronic calendars, mark up the agendas, make to-do lists and divide and conquer! Breaking things out into bits makes it less overwhelming and you remain ahead, especially when both of you work as a team.

4. Double check everything. Checking lists twice isn’t only for Santa Claus. When your wedding party gets their dresses and tuxes, have them all try them on IMMEDIATELY! Count the quantity of your invitations three times. Proofread for spelling and grammar. A fix to an issue is much easier when found early.

5. Fake deadlines for others. Aunt Susie: Did you indicate via air mail? You: Did you tell me that?!? Your family will have an opinion on everything but provide nothing as all is assumed. Despite the pretentious geniuses that they think they are, they are the worst spellers, procrastinators and never listen to instructions. To play it safe, give them a deadline for things you need input on, such as guest list, that is WAY ahead of schedule. You will thank yourself later especially when they dare to ask for an extension.

6. Have a sense of humour and remember what’s important. That was embarrassing. No wedding is 100% perfect and hiccups happen. There’s always one person that takes full advantage of open bar and another who finds something to complain about (usually grandparents). Either way, laugh it off and remember why the day is special: it’s all about the two of you.

With these tips and tricks, Jesus Murphy is not taking this wheel. Share your funniest wedding mishap below!


The Modern Day Fairy Godmother

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